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Generals and nobles are often given stone statues for grave markers, so that their likeness persists even after death. Sometimes, if the soul is tortured by injustice and a desire for vengeance, the stone likeness becomes a vehicle for action. Those that are gripped by the statue become helplessly trapped in a body of stone, but maintaining that entrapment is exhausting for the stone fighter.
Special Note: This unit will become petrified during the daylight hours if there is no adjacent unit of the same side at turn start. It is not thusly affected during dawn, dusk, or night. This unit will also take more damage every turn start for every unit it has captured in stone. The captured units will be freed upon the Statue's death, or if freed through the right-click menu option.

Nâng cấp từ:
Nâng cấp thành: Stone Soldier
Chi phí: 18
Máu: 40
Di chuyển: 4
KN: 25
Trình độ: 1
Phân loại: hỗn độn
IDPhantom Statue
Khả năng: stone
(image)Stone Grip
va đập
5 - 2
cận chiến
(image)Stone Fist
va đập
5 - 2
cận chiến
3 - 2
từ xa
Sức kháng cự:
va đập20%
bí kíp-20%
Địa hìnhChi phí di chuyểnPhòng thủ
Hang động140%
Không thể qua-0%
Không thể đi bộ qua-0%
Lâu đài160%
Lùm nấm250%
Nước nông240%
Nước sâu340%
Đá ngầm ven biển250%
Đóng băng140%
Đất phẳng140%
Đầm lầy250%